Instructors Wanted
On behalf of the Proponent-Sponsored Engineer Corps Training (PROSPECT) Program, welcome and thank you for your interest in becoming a PROSPECT instructor/facilitator. Realize that the success of PROSPECT and success of the USACE Learning Center (ULC) depends heavily on you and support from your Division/District. Submitting an application indicates that you are interested in becoming an instructor/facilitator for PROSPECT.
PROSPECT Instructor/Facilitator Qualifications- Mastery of subject content and tasks.
- Knowledge of the target audience to be trained
- Knowledge of the project context.
- Enthusiasm.
- Availability.
- Credibility with the organization, management and, specifically, with the students to be trained.
- Communication skills.
- “Understanding of the organizational big picture” and its business processes.
- Desire to see adult learners succeed.
PROSPECT Instructor/Facilitator Requirements
- Make a three-year commitment as a PROSPECT instructor/facilitator (acknowledge on application).
- A prior graduate of course of instruction.
- Attend an instructional techniques course.
- Monitor one class session prior to scheduling full instructor responsibilities.
- Be familiar with Student Guide – Standards of Conduct (Arrival/departure, attendance, attire, academic integrity).
Application Process
If you are interested in becoming a PROSPECT instructor/facilitator, complete the following steps to ensure your application is complete, approved by your supervisor, and gets to the USACE Learning Center (ULC):
- Application: Open the USACE Learning Center PROSPECT Instructor/Facilitator Application and complete Sections I, II and III. Note: At the end of Section II, use the pull down menu to identify and select the primary course you request to instruct/facilitate in. Selecting/entering a primary course does not mean you must instruct/facilitate in this course only. Proponent will make this decision later in process. Digitally sign the form in Section III. Click the "Send to Supervisor" button in Section III of the form, to request your supervisor approve your application.
- Supervisor:Digitally sign Section IV of application (indicates "approval"), and click the “Return to Applicant” button to return application to the applicant.
- Applicant:On receipt of the application from your supervisor, confirm that you acknowledged the 3-year commitment (in Section I), and click “Send to ULC” button in Section V. The email has an embedded address to ensure key ULC managers will receive your application and forward it to the responsible ULC Course Manager.
- ULC: On receipt of the application from the applicant, the responsible ULC Course Manager will review the application for completeness, digitally sign Section VI, and click the “Send to Proponent” button to email the application to the responsible proponent for consideration. The applicant and his/her supervisor will also receive a courtesy copy of this email to advise them that the application has been sent to the responsible proponent.
- Proponent:On receipt of the application from ULC, the responsible proponent will evaluate the applicant’s qualifications and acknowledge whether he/she meets minimum requirements by selecting “I approve this applicant” or “Applicant does not meet the minimum requirements.” If the applicant does not meet minimum requirements, the proponent will provide comments in the space provided. The proponent will then digitally sign Section VII, and click “Return to Course Manager”.